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Visitor Safety Management Software

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Using siteconnect visitor management software scanning qr code
Using siteconnect visitor management software to manage site sign ins

Need to know who is on-site?…

…Looking for a better way than paper?

SiteConnect_Geofence used on mobile phone for visitor management

Visitor management software for every situation.



QR Codes



Forgot to sign out?

Automated check-in's

Simply cross into the geofenced area to trigger the check in.

Automated check-out's

Increase the accuracy of your onsite attendance register by over 50%.

After hour notifications

Receive SMS or push notifications to your device when a worker is onsite after hours.
SiteConnect geofencing visitor management software

Kiosk solution for visitors

Alerts and notifications

Get alerted when a visitor arrives on site.

Fast check-in's

Sign into site in under 60 seconds.

Hazard acknowledgement

Visitor acknowledgement of the real-time site hazards.
Siteconnect visitor kiosk software

Easy to use induction software

  • Embed video content
  • No training required
  • Reduce time spent inducting
  • Customisable induction forms
  • Accessible to complete on the mobile app
SiteConnect visitor management software site and company inductions

Solutions built to meet your goals

Siteconnect sign in management and geofencing software

Sign in 

Record all site visitors with geofencing, kiosks and simple inductions.

Siteconnect digital forms software

Digital forms

Eliminate paperwork, automate routine tasks, and build forms customised to your business.

Siteconnect safety risk management software


Communicate risk and reduce incidents through risk registers and incident reporting.

Siteconnect contractor management software


Manage your contractor’s prequalification and safety management plans.

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