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Introducing our NEW Task Analysis feature

New Feature Launched: Task Analysis

Check out our step by step guide!

Take a proactive approach to safety with this new layer of customisation.

Edit, Approve, Authorise, Assign & Save different versions!

With Our New Customisable Task Analysis Forms

Plan an effective approach to ensure all steps of a task are mapped out, the appropriate PPE, qualifications and training are associated with each task.

Create a custom Task Analysis plan and ensure all risks and controls have been acknowledged. Encourage productivity by saving time with the right plan in place!

To build an effective TA/JSA/SWMS form, think about how you execute site safety. TA forms are here to help you simply break each task into steps.

Associate hazards and their controls, meaning it’s never been so easy to take a proactive approach to safety! Our new Task Analysis feature covers a wide range of essentials:

  • Workflow steps
  • Versions
  • Qualifications
  • Training
  • Certificates
  • Safety Practices
  • PPE
  • Work Permits
  • Tools
  • PDF & CSV export
  • *Mobile app functionality for onsite users launching mid-October 2021!

Good news. This is a two part feature release. Today’s release [TA BETA] allows administrators to begin building TA templates in the web portal.

The second part of the TA/JSA/SMWMS release (Mid-October 2021) sees the release of the Task Analysis feature on the SiteConnect mobile app. Employees and Contractors will then be able to update  and acknowledge TA forms whilst out on site. 

What’s in it for you? Contribute your open feedback before the full feature is released later this year!

You might be wondering ‘What constructive feedback would be helpful?’ – well, everything!

Think about Task Analysis and how this digital version could be implemented into your business. Are there any limitations of the software and how could we improve it?

‘Am I effectively using the TA/JSA/SWMS plan where possible?‘
‘How can it be better structured for my business?’
‘Is it easy to navigate & understand?‘

Are all great starting points! 

Don’t be shy. We are here to build you solutions that streamline your business through SiteConnects one-stop-shop platform.

Either email us your thoughts, or wait for our feedback survey that we will send out in a few weeks time!

With complete customisation our TA/JSA/SWMS forms can fit around your business. Ensuring that your workers have the tools they need to be safe whilst out on site.